Who we are

Malawi Secondary School Headteachers Association (MASSHA) is a professional body of serving headteachers in public and grant aided Secondary Schools in partnership with Ministry Of Education, Science and Technology and other stake holders to promote professionalism and quality education in Malawi. CEED – MASSHA is a chapter of MASSHA that operates in Central East Education Division in Malawi which comprises five districts namely Kasungu, Dowa, Ntchisi, Salima and Nkhotakota.

Our mission

Our mission is to promote professionalism and quality education in the Central East Education Division.

Our vision

Our mission is to be an agent for improved management and governance for quality education in Secondary Schools under Central East Education Division.

Our mandate

We are mandated to promote professionalism regardless of gender and any discriminatory characteristics in Secondary Schools in Central East Education Division.

Our Objectives

  1. To equip Head teachers with sound managerial skills to attract public trust.
  2. To promote skills of self- reliance in our schools.
  3. To prepare a child to be competent and productive Secondary School graduate.
  4. To instill innovative skills in both teachers and learners.

Membership Guidelines

  1. The organization is open to every headteacher of a public Secondary School and grant aided Secondary School in CEED so long as he / she subscribes to the values of the group.

  2. Every member shall be required to sign an agreement form to show commitment.
  3. Every member shall be required to pay an annual subscription fee of K2,500 subject to change.
  4. Each executive member shall pay annual subscription fees of K10,000.
  5. Each Secondary School shall be required to give annual contribution fee of K5,000 subject to be reviewed.
  6. Every public and grant aided Secondary School in CEED is automatically a member of CEED – MASSHA.
  7. CEED- MASSHA is a non – partisan association whose main objectives are purely professional.
  8. Any member who conducts himself or herself contrary to the core values of the association will be subject to disciplinary measures.
  9. CEED – MASSHA shall have a savings account with a commercial bank containing three signatories:
    First signatory : Chairperson
    Second signatory : Secretary
    Second signatory : One member
  10. Any outlet of information about the group shall be only through the publicity secretary and no other person.
  11. The office of the publicity secretary shall not communicate any information about the group except in consultation with the chairperson.
  12. The tenure of office for CEED- MASSHA executive members is three years.
  13. The tenure of office for any executive member is restricted to a maximum of two terms.

Source of funds for supporting the association

We have various ways of funding our association and some of them include the following:

  1. Financial contributions from member schools.
  2. Subscriptions of membership.
  3. Entrepreneuship.
  4. Donations from well-wishers.
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CEED-MASSHA Activities in pictures

Here are some of the activities of CEED-MASSHA

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We train headteachers in entreprenuership so that schools become self-reliant.

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We promote delivery of quality education. We make sure that teachers are well equipped with skills and knowledge that can help them to teach students competently and conduct themselves professionally

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We train headteachers in school management. 2018 Management meeting at Salima. The theme for this year's meeting is "Self evaluation is key to improved delivery of education services and learning outcomes".

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We prepare a child to be competent and productive Secondary School graduate.