Dowa-MASSHA management meeting at Carolina Lodge, Senga Bay, Salima


Dowa-MASSHA organised a management meeting at Carolina Lodge in Salima on 23 November, 2023. All headteachers and cluster leaders of Dowa district were in attendance of the meeting. The main aim of the meeting was sharing best practices in management of secondary schools in order to improve service delivery which will in turn improve academic performance. The cluster leaders made presentations on various issues such as handling teachers grievances,preparation of handover notes, proper handling of officers sent out on duty, engaging parents to improve performance of the students, enforcing studies in day secondary schools and enforncing discipline in schools. Click here to download the'Meeting Summary'

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CEED-MASSHA Activities in pictures

Here are some of the activities of CEED-MASSHA

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We train headteachers in entreprenuership so that schools become self-reliant.

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We promote delivery of quality education. We make sure that teachers are well equipped with skills and knowledge that can help them to teach students competently and conduct themselves professionally

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We train headteachers in school management. 2018 Management meeting at Salima. The theme for this year's meeting is "Self evaluation is key to improved delivery of education services and learning outcomes".

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We prepare a child to be competent and productive Secondary School graduate.