We organize and encourage frequent meetings to promote professionalism and delivery of quality education in Central East Education Division. There are three levels of meetings that take place. At the bottom, we have cluster meetings which are conducted at cluster level. Central East Education Division has five districts namely Kasungu, Dowa, Ntchisi, Nkhotakota and Salima. Each district is divided into clusters which are composed of a group secondary schools under a specified geographical area. The headteachers meet at cluster level to discuss CEED-MASSHA activities so that there are tangible improvements in the delivery of secondary education and management of secondary schools.

The district committee meetings are conducted by the elected district committee members. The district committee oversees the activites of MASSHA members in the cluster committees. The district committees are very essential in ensuring coordination between the Divisional (main) committee and the cluster committees.

The divisional committee is a top (main) committee of CEED-MASSHA that operates at divisional level. The committee meets regularly to plan, organise, implement and review CEED-MASSHA activities at divisional level. The committee also discusses arising issues in the teaching profession and delivery of quality education in the Central East Education Division.

Membership Guidelines

  1. The organization is open to every headteacher of a public Secondary School and grant aided Secondary School in CEED so long as he / she subscribes to the values of the group.

  2. Every member shall be required to sign an agreement form to show commitment.
  3. Every member shall be required to pay an annual subscription fee of K2,500 subject to change.
  4. Each executive member shall pay annual subscription fees of K10,000.
  5. Each Secondary School shall be required to give annual contribution fee of K5,000 subject to be reviewed.
  6. Every public and grant aided Secondary School in CEED is automatically a member of CEED – MASSHA.
  7. CEED- MASSHA is a non – partisan association whose main objectives are purely professional.
  8. Any member who conducts himself or herself contrary to the core values of the association will be subject to disciplinary measures.
  9. CEED – MASSHA shall have a savings account with a commercial bank containing three signatories:
    First signatory : Chairperson
    Second signatory : Secretary
    Second signatory : One member
  10. Any outlet of information about the group shall be only through the publicity secretary and no other person.
  11. The office of the publicity secretary shall not communicate any information about the group except in consultation with the chairperson.
  12. The tenure of office for CEED- MASSHA executive members is three years.
  13. The tenure of office for any executive member is restricted to a maximum of two terms.
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